Meet Activate. Our mission:

Good Democrat candidates are always values driven, and we strive to bring all Democrats a campaign application tool to activate the party. You and Activate: The Ultimate Campaign Management Tool.

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Out with the old,

No more clipboards. No more data entry. There are new ways we can win and we do not need to be cut off from them by price or by party loyalty. Get the best tools and the best experience with Activate.

Do the math: the Activate advantage

Candidates struggle to raise tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars and only hope to reach enough voters. Instead, know the voters to target and reach them directly.

Built for mobility.

Because all politics is local, but local is everywhere. So Activate is built from the ground up to use mobile app system architecture. A simple download.

Start now. We are there for you.

Now is when to start planning and campaigning. Pre-order a number of Activates to get your campaign going and be eligible special bonuses!

Contact now for early Petition Process access.


Get in touch. Today.

Ever wonder when is the best time to start a political campaign? The day after the previous election. It has already started. Get in touch:

Activate: Our leadership

Daniel Steven Kleinman, CEO and Political Director

A political career already spanning 10 years began with learning the importance of direct voter outreach through person to person door knocking and phone banking. Perfecting communication strategies as a social media and headline speech writer, Daniel has advised dozens of candidates and has successfully lobbied for progressive policies in Chicago and the state Illinois. He is always eager to help activate leadership that activates the base.

He is grateful for a career that has featured such progressive candidates as Congressman Mike Quigley in 2009 and Commissioner Brandon Johnson in 2018, while successfully lobbying for progressive policies like scholarships for students of color to return to college.

Reach out to Daniel to discuss your campaign needs.


Daniel’s political resume includes:

2009: Canvass Associate, NW Illinois Congressional – Mike Quigley

2011: Social Media Director, Chicago Mayoral – Miguel Del Valle

2012: Consultant and Brand Writer, IL State House – Jay Travis

2012-2014: Chairperson, IL Progressive State Political Action Committee – Progressive Alliance PAC

2015-2017: Petition Coordinator, Chicago Mayoral and Suburban Seats – Robert Fioretti, Fair Maps

2018: Lead Strategist, Cook County Commissioner – Brandon Johnson

2019 – 2021: Political Project Development: CPS Elected School Board – Elected Local School Council Member of Disney Magnet Elementary


Shay Robinson, COO and Finance Director

Shay brings to Activate a remarkable level of experience in digital project development and electronic web commerce. Understanding the value of combined and coordinated assets brings additional dimensions to accurate planning and exact strategic positioning.

Her aim is to bring that extra level of planning to the progressive campaigns needed to activate the Democratic base.